**Hawaiʻian Food Nutrition Efficiency**


Taro in Hawaii has amazing potential benefits! It can help improve blood sugar control, aid in weight loss, enhance digestive function, boost heart health, and reduce oxidative stress. Taro is integral to the Native Hawaiian diet and culture. Growing taro has been passed down through generations. The taro leaf is shaped like a huge heart, filled with the love from the land, and once cooked, every part is edible. Plus, it’s super versatile and can be enjoyed in many unique recipes, from taro tea and cakes to poi, chips, side dishes, and desserts. Give it a try and experience the benefits for yourself! 
Okinawa Sweet Potato from ANGELE FARM   MAUI, HAWAIʻI 

 Did you know Okinawan sweet potatoes are packed with powerful antioxidantsThese vibrant purple gems are rich in anthocyanins, which not only give them their stunning color but also help protect your body from harmful free radicals. Say goodbye to worries about cancer, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases – these superfoods have got you covered! Plus, they’ll keep you feeling forever young! 



Macadamia nuts may help reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome. This syndrome involves a group of risk factors, including high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, high blood sugar, and belly fat. These risk factors increase the chance of stroke, diabetes, and heart disease.


Kiawe Been Powder from WAIʻANAE GOLD   OʻAHU, HAWAIʻI

This Hawaiian Superfood is an ancient staple of desert communities in the Americans, the MiddleEast and India. The flour, made from the wild-crafted bean pods of the Kiawe tree, is a naturally sweet, nutritionally dense and a diabetic friendly food. Its is 45+% fructose/-sucrose, 15% protein, High in calcium, Potassium, Iron, and magnesium. Its is 30+% insoluble fiber which slows digestion down to 4-6 hours, feeling your body in the best possible way - slowly.